2022 AGM
In October we held our AGM, The Mayor Sue Hebborn who is also the society’s president was in attendance. Reports of the last AGM were read and approved, the chairman gave a report on the year’s activities and thanked the committee and our members who had given support to activities during the year, including the removal, refitting and reglazing of the Town Notice board in Chaston Place, which was funded from last year’s mayor’s fund.
The treasurer gave a report of the year’s financial activities and gave thanks to Mr D. Smith for auditing them, these were approved.
The mayor then took the chair for the election of officers, all existing members were re-elected to the same offices along with the additional member of the committee Pam Challand. Wendy Collins offered to assist with the Society’s publicity. David and Ruth Stapleton agreed to assist with the production of posters.
The mayor then gave some information on the additional duties the mayor finds they have when elected i.e. President of the Society.
A short talk followed and leaflets were handed out to Watton residents about the group looking into “Flood Defences” in Watton.
After some refreshments a fun quiz was held and prizes given to the first three teams with the highest team taking first choice.