Watton Society Sep 19 Meeting report
Watton Society’s re-start after the summer break was a talk by Roger Jones of Norfolk Wildlife Trust. He began with a brief history of the Norfolk Wildlife Trust. Then how to connect nature reserves together so in case of emergency animals would have escape routes. ‘RNR’ – most people will not know what this stands for. ‘Roadside Nature Reserves’. Because we have lost 98% of our meadows, roadside nature reserves have become vitally important for the preservation of wild plants. They are marked by a post on the verge with a sign on which a number and arrow pointing in the direction of the reserve. These still need managing to some degree, so volunteers are essential in maintaining the verges and recording species. A very informative evening. Our next meeting is at 7.45pm on Wednesday 20th November at the Watton Christian Community Centre when the speaker will be Colin Hawgood – talking about the history and anecdotes on being a saw sharpener.