Watton Society Report of October AGM Meeting 2018
Watton Society held its AGM with John Kerr being elected as Chairman, The Committee from last
year, minus two retirements, was elected en bloc. The Mayor Tina Kiddell then spoke about the
duties and the time representing Watton in Norfolk, the importance of meeting other dignitaries and
talking to other councils about getting projects done. This was followed by Jan Fountain telling us
about the Neighbourhood plan, which is a legal document, stating what can and cannot be done, so
its very important for Watton. A questionnaire will be sent to all addresses, it is very important that
this is completed and returned it gives every person in Watton a voice. A very interesting and
informative evening. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 19th December at 7.45pm at the Watton
Christian Community Centre, when “Chanter’s Jigge” will entertain us at our Christmas Festivities.
with mulled wine and mince pies. £6. members and £8 non members. All Welcome. Seasons
Greeting to everyone.