Watton Society’s July Outing was to the Thursford Collection. A large group of members were met by the catering manager who showed us to reserved tables for a very enjoyable lunch. We then gathered for a back stage tour where Mr. John Cushing himself met us and began explaining how it all started. His father collected steam engines when they were becoming redundant, diesel taking over from steam Then became the problem, how to care for the engines, money was needed, so began the christmas shows. Seeing all the costumes, how they are cared for, the vast number of people involved was amazing. A truly memorable visit, well worthwhile, highly recommendable. Our next meeting is back at the Watton Christian Community Centre on Wednesday 18th September at 7.45pm when our speaker will be Roger Jones from the Norfolk Wildlife Trust speaking about “Roadside Nature Reserves”. Looking forward to seeing everyone on that date, everyone welcome